Sunday, March 29, 2009

Date: March 26, 2009
This was a really weird night of dreaming for me because i had 3 different dreams in one night and i remembered them all.

In the first one i was hanging out in my bedroom and a cat walked in. It was black and white and it had unusually spiky ears. It jumped at me and grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go. I tried to shake it off but I couldn't get it off me so i started to hit it against my wall. It still wouldn't let go, so i just gave up and let my arm hang limp at my side, the cat still hanging it. Then my own cat, whiskers, (who i totally HATE) walked in my room and started talking to me. (you know how in movies they animate the real animals to make them look like they're talking? This is how my cat looked). Whiskers said "You see Addie? Not all cats are mean." and I was like "What? That doesn't make any sense. This cat is attacking me!" and then Whiskers said "But i'm not am I?"

In the next dream I was up north at my cottage and my brother Will decided he wanted to go for a sail on his MC. He started sailing but i guess he got lost or something because he went missing for 2 weeks. My dad started freaking out and came to get my brother John and Me to go out looking for him on a motorboat. John and I were at a little barber shop in Bellair at the time and we were getting chicklets from those candy dispensers. Dad came running in and was like "We need to go find Will! He's lost! Come on!" but John and I said we were way too busy with the candy machines. It's not like we really didn't want to go. We were terrified for Will, but somehow in our minds, being too busy with candy made perfect sense.

In the next dream I was up north again, and I was trying to sneak into the girls room at the cottage. I was climbing through the window well and I was trying not to wake up Annie, my cousin, who's bed is right under the window will. Lora, my other cousin's bed is right there too, but instead of Lora being in that bed, an African girl with a shaved head and tribal markings on her was there instead. This seemed odd and I looked out into the girl's room and it was part jungle part girls room. There were leaves everywhere and the floor has grass covering it, and there was a lion sleeping in the bathroom. I tried sneaking past Annie and the African girl but the girl woke up and started chasing me with a spear. I knew if I got to my bed (usually just about 4 feet away from the window well) I would live, but my bed was about 20 feet away. I started running.

Then I woke up.

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